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11 More Fun Activities to do When Bored

Do you ever just feel bored? Did your mother tell you to go do something that does not involve your phone, so you switched to your laptop to continue stalking Instagram? You may need help. Here are 6 of my favorite Activities to do When Bored.

Start an Herb Garden

Herb gardens are easy to grow and maintain, and can even happen right on your windowsill in small pots. This is a great activity to do when bored because with just a few seeds, a little dirt, and some water you can feel like you actually did something productive. Grow some Cilantro for extra yummy salsa, or chives to put on baked potatoes. Growing your own herbs is also a way to ensure they are free of pesticides and bad things that could kill you.

Find a New App to Play With

There are millions and millions of apps for both IOS and Android. Games, puzzles, productive apps, and some apps that make no sense. Go explore and see what is out there. You may even find a new favorite app.

Play Retro Video Games as one of the Activities to do When Bored

This website called PlayR is a full of old games like Kirby, Pokemon, and Legends of Zelda. PlayR is free to play with no loopholes. Just be careful not to waste your entire life there.

Learn a New Recipe

One of the best and most debatably productive activities to do when bored is to learn a new recipe. If you are a younger reader, please make sure you have a parent to help you with the oven, stovetop, or knives. Even a simple recipe that just requires a microwave could be fun, like microwave brownie in a mug.

Repaint Something

Repainting and restoring old jewelry boxes or repainting figurines can be a lot of fun and a great way to kill some time. We all have that one terrible looking ceramic figurine laying around that seems to be completely hopeless. Bring out some acrylic paint and give them a makeover.

Learn to Sculpt

Sculpting is a hobby that takes a bit of time to master, but with enough YouTube tutorials and the right tools anything is possible. Some basic tools you will need is some Sculpey, Dotting tools, Rubbing Alcohol, and your imagination.

Find a new TV Show

The new Doctor who episodes are starting again, yay! Check out some shows that challenge your brain, such as Doctor Who or Sherlock.

Spread Positivity on the Internet

All the time you see people on the internet being nasty or rude to others. Try spreading some love around, comment nice and meaningful things on people’s pictures, and see if you can make some new links. Even if you find a picture you don’t like, find three things about the art that you do like, and comment what you like about it. It will make you see the world differently.

Explore a Park Near You

Parks and rescue zoos are fabulous places to visit. You could learn all sorts of things about animals that you never knew before. Some of the best pictures are taken at aquariums, too.

Learn to Take Better Pictures

Photography is a very interesting hobby, one that takes skill and talent to master. Read some tips and tricks from bloggers, watch some Youtube videos, and start taking pictures. We all know your selfies could use a little improvement.

I hope this list kept you entertained, and check out some of my other posts if you are still bored. Happy crafting!

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